Fundusze Unijne
Publications in year 1994

Vol. 8, Issue 4

Aerodynamic properties of weed seeds

International Agrophysics
Year : 1994
Volumen : 8
Issue : 2
Pages : 259 - 262
  PDF 168.41 KB
Authors: J. Kahrs1

1Hohenheim University, Institute of Agrotechnology, Garbenstrasse 9,70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract :

Abstract. Inorder to collect weed seeds while harvesting with a combine it is necessary to know their aerodynamic properties, because separation of grain and chaff in a combine is mainly done by air. Terminal velocities or other aerodynamic characteristics of weed seeds are rarely tested and little found in literature. Twenty different weed seeds were tested. Termi­nal velocities were determined with an Automatic Test Stand. Tested were seeds, which are important in European grain-cultivating. The seeds are from: Alopecurus myosuroides, Apera spica-venti, Avena fatua, Atriplex patula, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Galeopsis te-trahit, Galium aparine, Lamium purpureum, Matrica-ria recutita, Myostis arvensis, Polygonum convolvulus, Rumex crispus, Sinapis arvensis, Sonchus asper, Stellaria media, Thlaspi arvense, Veronica persica, Viola arvensis. Of some seeds terminal velocities were tested at different moisture contents.

Keywords : weed seeds, aerodynamic properties
Language : English