Fundusze Unijne
Publications in year 1996

Vol. 10, Issue 4

Agro-climatic change and European soil suitability: regional modelling at monthly time-steps

International Agrophysics
Year : 1996
Volumen : 10
Issue : 3
Pages : 155 - 170
  PDF 391.56 KB
Authors: T. Mayr1, M. Rounsevell1, P. Loveland1, C. Simota2

1Soil Survey and Land Research Centre, Cranfield University, Silsoe Campus, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4DT, UK
2Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry, 71331 - Bucuresti, Romania
Abstract :

Abstract. This paper describes the development of ACCESS-I (Agro-Climatic Change and European Soil Suitabitity). a model that will simulate the soil water balance and crop growth, for soil map units within regions, under conditions of climate change. ACCESS-I has been developed for spatial application over large geographic areas, and so its data input requirements have been kept to a minimum. These include the use of meteorological data with monthly time-steps, and the estimation of soil hydraulic properties from simple soil survey data (particle size distribution, organic carbon content and bulk density) using pedotransfer functions. The soil water balance component of ACCESS-I considers evaporation and transpiration separately, as well as defining root front development and root density. Biomass accumulation is estimated using the concept of water use efficiency, and crop yields (for wheat, maize, sunflower and soybean) are calculated from the total biomass. using a crop dependent harvest index. The model considers the influence of atmospheric CO2 concentrations on crop yields through the water use efficiency. ACCESS-I also contains a sub-model to assess soil workability, a ma­jor constraint to crop production in northem latitudes. A spreadsheet validation protocol has been developed for ACCESS-I in which experimental datasets can be compared directly with simulation output files in the same for­mat. Comparison of observed and modelled data from central England have shown ACCESS-I to be able to simulate the soil water balance and biomass accumulation to acceptable levels of accuracy.

Keywords : model, land use evaluation, soil water balance. crop phenology, agro-climate
Language : English