Fundusze Unijne

Scholarships "L'Oréal Poland UNESCO for Women in Science 2013"

The gala of 13th Annual L'Oréal Poland UNESCO Awards for Women in Science 2013 took place on Monday 14th October 2013. During the ceremony were awarded doctoral and postdoctoral fellowship. This fellowship is a part of the For Women in Science Program which recognizes the importance of the contributions of women in the progress of science.
The ceremony was attended by Professor Barbara Kudrycka, Minister of Science and Higher Education. The special guest of this year's gala was Dr. Eucharia Oluchi NWAICHI, winner of the international L'Oréal UNESCO fellowship 2013. Dr. Eucharia Oluchi NWAICHI obtained fellowship for studying problems of environment protection in the Institute of Agrophysics PAS. Project is  carried  out in the Laboratory of Molecular and Environmental Microbiology under the direction of  PhD DSc Magdalena Frąc.

Speech of Dr. Eucharia Oluchi NWAICHI



Stypendia L'Oreal UNESCO 2013