Defence of PhD dissertation of MSc Patrycja Boguta

Start date: 2012-11-22
End date: 2012-11-22
Management and Scientific Board of
Bogdan Dobrzański Institute of Agrophysics
Polish Academy of Sciences
in Lublin
kindly inform that the public defence of PhD dissertation of
Msc Patrycja Boguta
entitled: The influence of physicochemical properties of humic acids originated from peaty-muck soils
on interactions with copper and manganese ions
will take place on Thursday, 22nd November 2012 at 9.00 a.m. in the conference hall of the Institute
prof. dr hab. Zofia Sokołowska - Instytut Agrofizyki PAN - Lublin
prof. dr hab.Małgorzata Borówko - Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Drozd - Wrocław University of Life and Environment Sciences
Dissertation is available in the library of the Institute of Agrophysics Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin.