Project "A pilot line for production of rapeseed oil with unique health-promoting properties"
Project is executed within the framework of Operational Programme Innovative Economy:
Priority Axis 1. Research and development of modern technologies
1.3 Support for R&D projects for entrepreneurs carried out by scientific entities
1.3.1 Development projects.
Project lider: prof. Jerzy Tys
Budget of the project: 5,8 mln PLN, including 4,8 mln PLN from the EU funds.
Project implementation: 2010-2014
The project constitutes the development of the research activities carried out under the direction of Prof. Jerzy Tys at the Department of Physical Properties of Plant Materials of IA PAS. A pilot innovation-production-technology line has been developed to produce health-promoting consumable oil from organically grown rapeseed varieties. The venture comprises the entire process in terms of development of technology of rapeseed cultivation that would meet environmental standards and incorporate principles of Good Agricultural Practice, through implementation of cultivation of such rapeseed varieties, to production of oil with unique health-promoting properties. This kind of oil differs markedly from available refined oils, which are devoid of most health beneficial ingredients through the production process. After completion of the research project (2014) and dissemination of the investigation results, industrial-scale production of organic oil with health-promoting properties will be possible.