WP11: Validation and standardisation of agrophysical measuring methods
- to promote European cooperation in the field of validation and standardisations of agrophysical measuring methods,
- to train young researchers in validation procedures,
- review of the validation and standardisation of agrophysical measuring and testing methods.
Deliverables and milestones for the package:
- visit led centres in Europe and discuss the validation and standardisation problems,
- the workshop in the field of validation procedures in agrophysical measuring and testing methods,
- international conference in the field of measuring and testing methods used in agrophysical investigations,
- summarising of the privies stages - the invited European agrophysical authorities will summarise the current state and will point the aim for future.
General activities:
- increasing activity of:
- developing of the new agrophysical methods,
- validation of the existing physical and chemical methods in order to use in agrophysics,
- unification of terminology and standardization of measuring methods for better understanding and comparison of results from different, cross-disciplinary laboratories (see other WP-s),
- closer contacts with outstanding centres in EU countries to assure compatibility in approach to different measuring and testing methods over the partners network.
Examples of activity realized within the WP11:
- Participation in the processes of making new and assessment of existing ISO standards in the field of soil physics.