Impact Factor
No. authors title periodic
- Sokołowska Z., Szajdak L., Matyka-Sarzyńska D.: Impact of the degree of secondary transformation on acid-base properties of organic compounds in mucks. (2005 r.) Geoderma 2005, 127, 80-90
- Rejman J., Brodowski R.: Rill characteristics and sediment transport as a function of slope length during a storm event on loess soil, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. (2005 r.) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2005, 30, 231-239
- Zdunek A., Umeda M.: Influence of cell size and cell wall volume fraction on failure properties of potato and carrot tissue. (2005 r.) Journal of Texture Studies 2005, 36, 25-43
- Pytka J.: Effects of repeated rolling of agricultural tractors on soil stress and deformation state in sand and loess. (2005 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2005, 82, 77-88
- Ferrero A., Usowicz B., Lipiec J.: Effects of tractor traffic on spatial variability of soil strength and water content in grass covered and cultivated sloping vineyard. (2005 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2005, 84, 127-138
- Niewczas J., Witkowska-Walczak B.: The soil aggregates stability index (ASI) and its extreme values. (2005 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2005, 80, 69-78
- Molenda M., Montross M., McNeill S., Horabik J.: Airflow resistance of seeds at different bulk densities using Ergun\'s equation. (2005 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2005, 48, 3, 1137-1145
- Księżopolska A., Księżopolski J.: Specific surface area of synthetic organomineral complexes. (2005 r.) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 2005, 79,1, 146-150