Fundusze Unijne
Publications in year 2013

Vol. 20, Issue 4

Influence of human activity on the properties of soils and waters of hydrogenic habitats

International Agrophysics
Year : 2013
Volumen : 20
Issue : 4
Pages : 609 - 617
  PDF 133.25 KB
Authors: Paweł Nicia1, Romualda Bejger2

1Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection, Agriculture University in Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków
2Department of Physics and Agrophysics, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, ul. Papieża Pawła VI/3, 71-459 Szczecin
Abstract :

The effects of the agricultural use of lands located in the vicinity of two hydrogenic habitats in the area of the Orawsko-Nowotarska Basin (Szaflary and Jablonka fens) on their soil and water properties and the direction of pedogenic processes occurring in their soils were investigated. It was found that the agricultural use of lands located in the vicinity of hydrogenic habitats significantly affected their soil and water properties. As a result of drainage irrigation, Jablonka fen soils passed the phase of accumulation of organic matter in the decession phase. This resulted in a change in their chemical and physical properties. As a result of run-off from the slope above Szaflary fen, used as pasture, the ionic composition of the waters was changed. Changes in the direction of the pedogenic process occurring in Jablonka fen soils and ionic composition of the water supply in Szaflary fen can cause the extinction of species valuable in terms of nature, namely stenotopic, plant and animal species, in these lands.

Keywords : mountain fen soils, hydrogenic habitats, human activity
Language : Polish