Fundusze Unijne
InterReg - Laboratory

Project title: Education and adaptation of IA PAS laboratories for increase of  food quality in PL-BY-UA neighboring areas

InterReg Project – financed by European Regional Development Fund – ERDF and INTERREG IIIA/TACIS CBC 2004-2006 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Neighborhood Program

Coordinator and Representative of IA PAS: dr Artur ZDUNEK

Project implementation: 05.2007 - 05.2008

Partners: Institut Agrophysics PAS in Lublin, Poland; Department of Problems of Polesye BAS, Brest, Belarus; G. Karpenko Physical Mechanical Institute UAS, Lviv, Ukraine; Lviv National Agricultural University, Dublany, Ukraine.

The aim of the project was an increase of social life level in Poland-Belarus-Ukraine trans-border area by:

  • creation of a panel for sensoric food products quality estimation in IA PAS and training of panel participants,
  • training of 8 experts of QDA (quality description analyse) tests and data analysis (4 from Lublin and 4 from Lviv and Brest).
  • adaptation of 2 IA PAS laboratories to meet requests of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards.