Fundusze Unijne

 J. Fornal



Ord title authors publishing
  1. Effect of drying of rapeseeds on their mechanical properties and technological usability* J. Fornal, J. Sadowska, R. Jaroch, B. Kaczyńska, T. Winnicki International Agrophysics 1994, 8, 2, 215-224
  2. Changes in microstructure and physical properties of green peas during ripening J. Sadowska, J. Fornal, B. Kaczyńska, B. Jacórzyński International Agrophysics 1994, 8, 2, 311-317
  3. Studies on the microstructure of lupine extrudate Z. Rzedzicki, J. Fornal International Agrophysics 1998, 12, 2, 119-125
  4. Influence of process parameters on the physical properties and microstructure of everlasting pea (Lathyrus sativus) extrudate Z. Rzedzicki, J. Fornal International Agrophysics 1999, 13, 1, 109-117
  5. Comparison of endosperm microstructure of wheat and durum wheat using digital image analysis J. Fornal, T. Jeliński, J. Sadowska, E. Quattrucci International Agrophysics 1999, 12, 2, 215-220