PhD Magdalena Nosalewicz
tel.: (81) 744 50 61 ext. 115
e-mail: m.nosalewicz@ipan.lublin.pl
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No. authors title periodic- Włodarczyk T., Szarlip P., Kozieł W., Nosalewicz M., Brzezińska M., Pazur M., Urbanek E.: Effect of long storage and soil type on the actual denitrification and denitrification capacity to N2O formation (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 3, 371-381
- Bulak P., Walkiewicz A., Kuna J., Brzezińska M., Nosalewicz M., Mazur K.: How exogenous plant growth regulators can improve the process of phytoextraction (2013 r.) III International Conference “Plant - the source of research material”, Lublin, 16-18.10.2013 r. 2013,
- Bulak P., Walkiewicz A., Brzezińska M., Kuna J., Nosalewicz M., Mazur K., Kozieł W., Szarlip P.: The role of beneficial elements in plants (2013 r.) International Conference "Protection of soil functions - challenges for the future" in the frame of 7PR UE project "Proficiency", IUNG-PIB Puławy15-18.10.2013 r. 2013, 110-111
- Nosalewicz M., Stępniewska Z., Nosalewicz A.: Effect of soil moisture and temperature on N2O and CO2 concentrations in soil irrigated with purified wastewater (2013 r.) International Agrophysics 2013, Vol. 27, 3, 299-304
- Włodarczyk T., Balakhnina T., Borkowska A., Nosalewicz M., Brzezińska M.: Impact of pre-sowing 4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol treatment of barley (Hordeum vulgare) seeds on soil respiration under different soil moisture – pot experiment (2013 r.) 10th International Conference on Agrophysics, Lublin 5-7.06.2013 r. 2013, 123-123
- Nosalewicz A., Śmiech M., Wróbel J., Nosalewicz M.: The effect of droughts on spring barley root system (2013 r.) 10th International Conference on Agrophysics, Lublin 5-7.06.2013 r. 2013, 99-99
- Brzezińska M., Nosalewicz M., Pasztelan M., Włodarczyk T.: Methane production and consumption in less soil as affected by slope position (2012 r.) 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012 Bari, Włochy, 2012 r. 2012, 1520-1520
- Brzezińska M., Nosalewicz M., Pasztelan M., Włodarczyk T.: Methane production and oxidation in soil as affected by the slope position (2012 r.) 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012, Soil Science for the Benefit for the Mankind and Environment, Bari, Italy. 2-6.07.2012 r. 2012, 1520-1520
- Balakhnina T., Matichenkov V., Włodarczyk T., Borkowska A., Nosalewicz M., Fomina I.: Effects of silicon on growth processes and adaptive potential of barley plants under optimal soil watering and flooding. (2012 r.) Plant Growth Regulation 2012, Vol. 67, 35-43
- Brzezińska M., Nosalewicz M., Pasztelan M., Włodarczyk T.: Methane Production and Consumption in Loess Soil at Different Slope Position. (2012 r.) TheScientificWorldJournal 2012, Vol. 2012, 1-8
- Kotowska U., Nosalewicz M., Pazur M., Rafalski P., Włodarczyk T., Brzezińska M., Borkowska A., Szarlip P.: Production and emission greenhouse gases from soil under cultivation of energy crops (2011 r.) International Conference Agrophysics for Quality of Life, Lublin, 31.05.-03.06.2011 r. 2011, 112-113
- Nosalewicz M., Borkowska A., Nosalewicz A.: Laboratory experiment on CO2 production and dehydrogenase activity in compacted soil under row fertilized maize (2011 r.) International Conference Agrophysics for Quality of Life, Lublin, 31.05.-03.06.2011 r. 2011, 29-30
- Supryn G., Brzezińska M., Nosalewicz M., Pasztelan M.: Methane in the environment (a review). (2011 r.) Acta Agrophysica 2011, Vol. 18, 2, 355-373
- Nosalewicz A., Nosalewicz M.: Effect of soil compaction on dehydrogenase activity in bulk soil and rhizosphere (2011 r.) International Agrophysics 2011, Vol. 25, 1, 47-51
- Bałakhnina T., Serdyuk O., Smołygina L., Ivanova E., Fomina I., Włodarczyk T., Nosalewicz M., Borkowska A.: Effect of 4-hydroxyphenethyl Alkohol on Growth and adaptive potential of barley plants under optimal and soil flooding conditions. (2010 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2010, Vol. 19, 3, 565-572
- Bałakhnina T., Gavrilov A., Fomina I., Włodarczyk T., Nosalewicz M., Borkowska A.: Dihydroquercetin protects barley seeds against mold and increases seedling adaptive potential under soil flooding. (2009 r.) Plant Growth Regulation (2009), 57:127-135
- Nosalewicz A., Kosynets O., Nosalewicz M.: Effect of various concentrations of lead and cadmium on elary growth of maize. (2008 r.) Acta Agrophysica 2008, 158, Vol. 11(3), 715-723
- Nosalewicz M.: Stężenie CO2 i CH4 w profilu gleby mineralno-murszowej nawadnianej oczyszczonymi ściekami miejskimi. (2007 r.) Acta Agrophysica 2007, 153, 10(3), 607-615
- Brzezińska M., Tiwari S., Stępniewska Z., Nosalewicz M., Bennicelli R., Samborska A.: Variation of enzyme activities, CO2 evolution and redox potential in an Eutric Histosol irrigated with wastewater and tap water. (2006 r.) Biol. Fertil. Soils 2006, 43, 131-135