Monika Zubik
tel.: (81) 744 50 61 ext. 198
e-mail: m.zubik@ipan.lublin.pl
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No. authors title periodic- Siedliska A., Zubik M., Baranowski P., Mazurek W.: Algorithms for detecting cherry pits on the basis of transmittance mode hyperspectral data (2017 r.) International Agrophysics 2017, Vol. 31, 4, 539-549
- Siedliska A., Baranowski P., Zubik M., Mazurek W.: Detection of pits in fresh and frozen cherries using a hyperspectral system in transmittance mode (2017 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2017, Vol. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.07.028,
- Krzyszczak J., Baranowski P., Zubik M., Hoffmann H.: Temporal scale influence on multifractal properties of agro-meteorological time series (2017 r.) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2017, Vol. 239, 223-235
- Hoffmann H., Baranowski P., Krzyszczak J., Zubik M., Sławiński C., Gaiser T., Ewert F.: Temporal properties of spatially aggregated meteorological time series (2017 r.) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2017, Vol. 234, 247-257
- Krzyszczak J., Baranowski P., Zubik M.: Aplikacyjne Mobilnych Analizatorów Izotopowych Wykorzystujących Technikę CRDS (2016 r.) IV Seminarium Możliwości Aplikacyjne Mobilnych Analizatorów Izotopowych Wykorzystujących Technikę CRDS”. Lublin, Polska 7.06.2016 r. 2016,
- Krzyszczak J., Baranowski P., Hoffmann H., Zubik M., Sławiński C.: Climate dynamics analysis with the use of multifractal method (2016 r.) International work-conference on Time Series (ITISE 2016). Granada, Hiszpania 27-29.06.2016 r. 2016,
- Krzyszczak J., Baranowski P., Zubik M., Sławiński C.: Modelling adaptation to climate change in agriculture - IRS & ARS methodology (2016 r.) Joint workshop on the “Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation of some Sectors National Economy in Poland and Bulgaria”. Sofia, Bułgaria 25.10.2016 r. 2016,
- Siedliska A., Baranowski P., Zubik M.: Visible and near hyperspectral imaging method to early detection of fungal infection in strawberry fruits (2016 r.) Hyperspectral Imaging & Applications Conference. Coventry, United Kingdom, 12-13.10.2016 r. 2016,
- Hoffmann H., Baranowski P., Krzyszczak J., Zubik M.: Effect of spatial averaging on multifractal properties of meteorological time series (2016 r.) European Geosciences Union General Assembly, (EGU), 2016 Wiedeń. Austria, 17-22.04.2016 r. 2016,
- Zubik M., Gos M., Siedliska A., Krzyszczak J., Franklin G., Shakya P., Pospieszny H., Jędryczka M., Baranowski P.: Non-invasive detection of tobacco plant response to the infection with tobacco mosaic virus (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 225-225
- Siedliska A., Baranowski P., Zubik M.: Hyperspectral imaging analysis combined with machine learning classifiers for soluble solid content and pit detection in cherries (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 181-181
- Siedliska A., Baranowski P., Zubik M.: Rapid detection of fungi infections in strawberry fruits using hyperspectral imaging (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 180-180
- Krzyszczak J., Baranowski P., Zubik M., Sławiński C.: Analysis of crop models response to adaptation measures under climate change using ARS (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 138-138
- Gos M., Siedliska A., Zubik M., Gregory F., Jędryczka M., Baranowski P.: Thermography and hyperspectral imaging of the tobacco mosaic virus infecion (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 109-109
- Baranowski P., Krzyszczak J., Zubik M., Hoffmann H.: Multifractality of agro-meteorological time series (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 45-45
- Gos M., Siedliska A., Zubik M., Jędryczka M., Baranowski P.: Early detection of plants diseases based on hyperspectral and thermography imaging. (2016 r.) VIIth International Scientific Symposium for Young Scientists, PhD Students and Students of Agriculture Colleges. Innovative researches for the future of agriculture and rural areas developmemt. Bydgoszcz, 15-17.09.2016 r. 2016, 61-61
- Gos M., Siedliska A., Zubik M., Jędryczka M., Baranowski P.: Non-destructive techniques for testing yhe resistance of plants to the virus (TMV). (2016 r.) Konferencja Międzynarodowa "Biogospodarka w Rolnictwie" "Bioeconomy in Agriculture", Puławy, 21-22.06.2016 r. 2016, 81-82
- Gos M., Siedliska A., Zubik M., Jędryczka M., Baranowski P.: Wykorzystanie termografii do badania odporności tytoniu (Nicotiana tabacum L.) na wirusa mozaiki tytoniu (TMV). (2016 r.) Nauka i Przemysł - lubelskie spotkania studenckie, 06.06.2016 Lublin 2016, 159-160
- Gos M., Siedliska A., Zubik M., Jędryczka M., Baranowski P.: Application of thermography for testing the resistance of tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) Plants to the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). (2016 r.) 1st Meeting of Young Researches from V4 Countries, Rzeszów, 20.04.2016 r. 2016, 32-32
- Gos M., Siedliska A., Zubik M., Jędryczka M., Baranowski P.: Thermography and hyperspectral techniques as nondestructive methods for plants pathogen diagnosis. (2016 r.) 6th International Young Scientists Conference „Human – Nutrition – Environment”, Rzeszów, 21-22.04.2016 r. 2016, 49-49