Fundusze Unijne

 E. Filcheva


No. authors title periodic
  1. Raytchev T., Filcheva E., Benkova M., Rousseva S., Sokołowska Z., Józefaciuk G., Hajnos M.:  Influence of humic substances on the stability of soil adsorbents and mobility of cations, included In the soil adsorbent structure. (2006 r.) XIII Kongres Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Substancji Organicznej nt.: "Substancje Humusowe - Powiązanie Struktury z Funkacjami". Niemcy, 30.07-04.08.2006 r. 2006,
  2. Raytchev T., Filcheva E., Rousseva S., Benkova M., Sokołowska Z., Józefaciuk G., Hajnos M.:  Distribution of humus substances In the structure of soil adsorbents - theoretical analysis. (2006 r.) XIII Kongres Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Substancji Organicznej nt.: "Substancje Humusowe - Powiązanie Struktury z Funkacjami". Niemcy, 30.07-04.08.2006 r. 2006,
  3. Raytchev T., Rousseva S., Filcheva E., Benkova M., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z., Józefaciuk G.:  Influence of humus substances on the structural-adsorption status of soil adsorbents. (2006 r.) XIII Kongres Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Substancji Organicznej nt.: "Substancje Humusowe - Powiązanie Struktury z Funkacjami". Niemcy, 30.07-04.08.2006 r. 2006,
  4. Benkova M., Filcheva E., Raytchev T., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M.:  Impact of different ameliorants on humus state in acid soil polluted with heavy metals. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals" 2005, 46-58 
  5. Raytchev T., Filcheva E., Benkova M., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M.:  Effect of composting period of peat and manure on physicochemical properties of dystric fluvisol polluted with copper. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals" 2005, 15-31 
  6. Raytchev T., Filcheva E., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z.:  Humus system stability of soil adsorbent. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent" 2005, 73-88 
  7. Raytchev T., Filcheva E., Hajnos M., Sokołowska Z.:  Differencies in stability of soil organic matter fractions during thermo-oxidizable destruction. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent" 2005, 89-102 
  8. Benkova M., Filcheva E., Raytchev T., Sokołowska Z., Hajnos M.:  Changes in humus of acid soil polluted with heavy metals under physicochemical amelioration. (2005 r.) Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics" 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 383-386 
  9. Raytchev T., Filcheva E., Sokołowska Z.:  Physico-chemical assessment of humus system stability (2004 r.) Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research" 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 134-141 
  10. Raytchev T., Filcheva E., Sokołowska Z.:  Physico-chemical assessment of humus system stability (2004 r.) International Conference "Agroecological Interrelations of Physicochemical and Physical Parameters of Soils and Plants. Methods and Applications", Sofia, 21.09.2004 r. 2004, International Conference "Agroecological Interrelations of Physicochemical and Physical Parameters of Soils and Plants. Methods and Applications", Sofia, 21.09.2004 r. - referat 
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