Lubomír Lichner
Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Račianska 75, SK-83102 Bratislava, Slovakia
No. authors title periodic- Czachor H., Charytanowicz M., Gonet S., Niewczas J., Józefaciuk G., Lichner L.: Impact of long-term mineral and organic fertilizer application on the water stability, wettability and porosity of aggregates obtained from two loamy soils. (2015 r.) European Journal of Soil Science 2015, Vol. 66, 3, 577-588
- Šir M., Tesaŕ M., Lichner L., Czachor H.: The effect of grass transpiration on the air temperature. (2014 r.) Biologia 2014, Vol. 69, 11, 1570-1576
- Lichner L., Dušek J., Tesaŕ M., Czachor H., Mészároš I.: Heterogeneity of water flow in grassland soil during irrigation experiment. (2014 r.) Biologia 2014, Vol. 69, 11, 1555-1561
- Horel A., Lichner L., Alaoui A., Czachor H., Nagy V., Tóth E.: Transport of iodide in structured clay–loam soil under maize during irrigation experiments analyzed using HYDRUS model. (2014 r.) Biologia 2014, Vol. 69, 11, 1531-1538
- Lichner L., Capuliak J., Zhukova N., Holko L., Czachor H., Kollar J.: Pines influence hydrophysical parameters and water flow in a sandy soil (2013 r.) Biologia Section Botany 2013, Vol. 68, 6, 1104-1108
- Czachor H., Hallett P., Lichner L., Józefaciuk G.: Pore shape and organic compounds drive major changes in the hydrological characteristics of agricultural soils (2013 r.) European Journal of Soil Science 2013, Vol. 64, 334-344
- Czachor H., Lichner L.: Temperature influences water sorptivity of soil aggregates (2013 r.) Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 2013, Vol. 61, 1, 84-87
- Lichner L., Hallett P., Drongová Z., Czachor H., Kováčik L., Mataix-Solerae J., Homolák M.: Algae influence the hydrophysical parameters of a sandy soil. (2013 r.) Catena 2013, Vol. 108, 58-68
- Czachor H., Lamorski K., Król A., Niewczas J., Charytanowicz M., Gonet S., Lichner L.: Water stable and non stable soil aggregates and their pore size distributions (2012 r.) 20th International Poster Day and Institute of Hydrology Open Day "Transport of water, chemicals and energy in the soil - plant - atmosphere system" 2012, 870-871
- Hallett P., Lichner L., Czachor H.: Soil organic mater causes a shift in hydrological behaviour of agricultural soils (2012 r.) 2nd International Conference on Hydropedology, Germany, Leipzig, 22-27.09. 2012 r. 2012,
- Lichner L., Hallett P., Drongová Z., Kováčik L., Czachor H.: Biohydrology - it has its uses (2012 r.) European Geosciences Union General Assembly, (EGU), 2012, Wiedeń, Austria, 22-27.04.2012 r. 2012,
- Rajkai K., Lichner L., Czachor H.: Interconnectivity of soil pores vs. soil moisture retention - theory and preliminary verification result (2011 r.) International Conference Agrophysics for Quality of Life, Lublin, 31.05.-03.06.2011 r. 2011, 54-55
- Drongová Z., Czachor H., Kováčik L., Lichner L.: Vplyv rias na hydrofyzikalne parametre piesocnatej pody. (2011 r.) Acta Hydrologica Slovaca 2011, Vol. 12, 2, 220-228
- Lichner L., Hallett P., Orfánus T., Rajkai K., Tesaŕ M., Czachor H.: Vegetation impact on the hydrology of an aeolian sandy soil in a continental climate. (2010 r.) Ecohydrology 2010, Vol. 3, 4, 413-420
- Doerr S., Lichner L., Czachor H.: Water retention of repellent and subcritical repellent soils: New insights from model and experimental investigations. (2010 r.) Journal of Hydrology 2010, Vol. 380, 1-2, 104-111