Impact Factor
No. authors title periodic
- Pytka J., Tarkowski P., Dąbrowski J., Bartler S., Kalinowski M., Konstankiewicz K., Pytka P.: Soil stress and deformation determination under a landing airplane on an unsurfaced airfield. (2003 r.) Journal of Terramechanics 2003, 40, 4, 255-269
- Hajnos M., Józefaciuk G., Sokołowska Z., Greiffenhagen A., Wessolek G.: Water storage, surface, and structural properties of sandy forest humus horizons. (2003 r.) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2003, 166, 625-634
- Niewczas J., Witkowska-Walczak B.: Index of soil aggregates stability as linear function value of transition matrix elements. (2003 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2003, 70, 121-130
- Lipiec J., Arvidsson J., Murer E.: Review of modelling crop growth, movement of water and chemicals in relation to topsoil and subsoil compactio. (2003 r.) Soil & Tillage Research 2003, 73, 15-29
- Bennicelli R., Stępniewska Z., Banach A., Szajnocha K., Ostrowski J.: The ability of Azolla caroliniana to removeheavy metals (Hg(II), Cr(III), Cr(VI)) from municipal waste water. (2003 r.) Chemosphere 2003, 55, 141-146
- Józefaciuk G., Szatanik-Kloc A.: Changes in specific area and energy of root surface of cereal plants in Al-solution cultures. Water vapor adsorption studies. (2003 r.) Plant and Soil 2003, 250, 129-140
- Lipiec J., Hatano R.: Quatification of compaction effects on soil physical properties and crop growth. (2003 r.) Geoderma 2003, 116, 107-136
- Bucior K., Patrykiejew A., Pizio O., Sokołowski S., Sokołowska Z.: Demixing of a binary mixture in slit-like pores at high temperatures. (2003 r.) Molecular Physics 2003, 101, 6, 721-731
- Józefaciuk G., Muranyi A., Fenyvesi E.: Effect of randomly methylated b-cyclodextrin on physical properties of soils. (2003 r.) Environmental Science & Technology 2003, 37, 3012-3017