PhD Joanna Wiącek
tel.: (81) 744 50 61 ext. 181
e-mail: j.sykut@ipan.lublin.pl
Wyślij e-mail
Research interests:
- Mechanical properties of granular plant materials
- Discrete element modelling of mechanical processes in granular materials
Other information
Education (dates, degrees, universities):
- 2004 MSc in Physics
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
MSc thesis: "Tempearture dependence of nuclear shell energies"
- 2008 PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
Dissertation: "Modeling of quasi-static effects in grain bedding using discrete element
- The Polish Society of Agrophysics
No. authors title periodic- Stasiak M., Molenda M., Gancarz M., Wiącek J., Parafiniuk P., Lisowski A.: Characterization of shear behaviour in consolidated granular biomass (2018 r.) Powder Technology 2018, Vol. 327, 120-127
- Stasiak M., Molenda M., Bańda M., Wiącek J., Dobrzański B., Parafiniuk P.: Breaking tester for examining strength of consolidated starch (2017 r.) International Agrophysics 2017, Vol. 31, 2, 251-258
- Wiącek J., Parafiniuk P., Stasiak M.: Effect of particle size ratio and contribution of particle size fractions on micromechanics of uniaxially compressed binary sphere mixtures (2017 r.) Granular Matter 2017, Vol. 19, 34, 1-11
- Wiącek J., Stasiak M., Parafiniuk P.: Effective elastic properties and pressure distribution in bidisperse granular packings: DEM simulations and experiment (2017 r.) Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 2017, Vol. 17, 2, 271-280
- Stasiak M., Molenda M., Bańda M., Wiącek J., Parafiniuk P., Gondek E.: Mechanical and combustion properties of sawdust-straw pellets blended in differernt proportions (2017 r.) Fuel Processing Technology 2017, Vol. 156, 366-375
- Parafiniuk P., Wiącek J., Thompson S., Horabik J., Molenda M.: Interaction of wheat and silo wall of corrugated steel. Measurements and modelling of shear behavior (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 164-164
- Wiącek J., Sobieski W.: Generacja złóż wirtualnych Metodą Elementów Dyskretnych (2016 r.) Granularne Ośrodki Porowate 2016,
- Wiącek J.: Metoda Elementów Dyskretnych MED (2016 r.) 1st Workshop on Porous Media. Olsztyn, 1-3.07.2016 r. 2016,
- Stasiak M., Molenda M., Bańda M., Wiącek J., Dobrzański B.: Breaking tester for examining strength of consolidated starch. (2016 r.) V Sympozjum Inżynierii Żywności z okazji 200-lecia Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Warszawa, 21-23.06.2016 r. 2016, 136-136
- Wiącek J., Molenda M.: Representative elementary volume analysis of polydisperse granular packings using discrete element method (2016 r.) Particuology 2016, Vol. 27, 88-94
- Wiącek J.: Geometrical parameters of binary granular mixtures with size ratio and volume fraction: experiments and DEM simulations (2016 r.) Granular Matter 2016, Vol. 18, 42, 1-10
- Parafiniuk P., Wiącek J., Bańda M., Molenda M.: Pressure distribution in an assembly of wooden cylinders with various aspect ratios under uniaxial confined compression (2016 r.) Granular Matter 2016, Vol. 18, 2, 1-8
- Wiącek J., Molenda M.: Uniaxial compression testing and DEM simulations of binary mixtures of spherical particles. (2015 r.) 8-th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids CHoPS 2015, Tel Aviv, Izrael, 3-7.05.2015 r. 2015,
- Wiącek J., Molenda M.: Geometrical and mechanical Representative Elementary Volumes for polydisperse granular materials. (2015 r.) PCM-CMM-2015 - 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics $ 21st Computer Methods in Mechanics, Gdańsk, 8-9.09.2015 r. 2015,
- Wiącek J., Molenda M.: Influence of shape of particle size distribution on mechanics of uniaxially compressed granular packings. (2014 r.) 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Hiszpania, 20-25.07.2014 r. 2014,
- Wiącek J., Molenda M.: Effect of particle size distribution on micro- and macromechanical response of granular packings under compression (2014 r.) International Journal of Solids and Structures 2014, Vol. 51, 4189-4195
- Wiącek J., Molenda M.: Effect of particle polydispersity on micromechanical properties and energy dissipation in granular mixtures (2014 r.) Particuology 2014, Vol. 16, 91-99
- Wiącek J., Molenda M.: Microstructure and micromechanics of polydisperse granular materials: Effect of the shape of particle size distribution (2014 r.) Powder Technology 2014, Vol. 268, 237-243
- Parafiniuk P., Wiącek J., Horabik J., Molenda M.: Influence of the method of representing shape of oblong particle on results of DEM simulations of uniaxial compression of granular assembly. (2014 r.) 7.Światowy Kongres Technologii Materiałów Rozdrobnionych / Word Congress on Particle Technology, Chiny, Beijing, 19-22.05.2014 r. 2014, No.-162
- Wiącek J., Wiącek D.: Oddziaływania w materiałach sypkich (2013 r.) XVII Festiwal Nauki w Jabłonnie, Jabłonna, 21-22.09.2013 r. 2013,