PhD Marek Gancarz

tel.: (81) 744 50 61 ext. 208
e-mail: m.gancarz@ipan.lublin.pl
Wyślij e-mail
Research interests:
- Microstructure of fruit and vegetables tissue
- Mechanical properties of structure
- Microscopy, macroscopy, image analysis
- Chemical composition of raw materials and plant products
- The study of physical processes essential in the storage
- Application of spectroscopic methods in food quality determination
Other information
Education (dates, degrees, universities):
- 2000 MSc in Physics
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
Dissertation “Spectrophotometric research of the protons transport through lipid membranes”
- 2011 PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
Dissertation "Influence of the size and shape of the potato tuber cells on the blackspot susceptibility"
- Polish Society of Stereology
- Polish Society of Agrophysics
Scholarships and fellowships:
- 2010 Fellowship in Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – Lviv, Ukraine.
- 01.01.2009-31.07.2009 Scholarship „Scholarship for doctoral students”, The European Social Fund, the state budget and the Self-government of the Lublin Province.
- 2007 Scholarship Of French government „Scientific-research scholarship", „Scholarships for students and graduates of higher education institutions”, (BIA INRA) – Nantes, France.
- 2007 Scholarship URBIA Research Center INRA - Nantes, France.
Post-graduate education:
- 2012-2013 „Manager of Researches and Developmental Works”. „Competence for the Science and Business Cooperation”. University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin and Poland Foundation of Assisting Centres of the Economic Development „OIC Poland”.
- 2010-2011,,Manager of research projects”. „Managerial post-graduate education for the R+D sector”. University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin and Poland Foundation of Assisting Centres of the Economic Development „OIC Poland”.
- 2008-2010 „Public relations in scientific researches - pilot post-graduate education for employees of scientific institutions”. University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin and Poland Foundation of Assisting Centres of the Economic Development „OIC Poland”.
- 2008-2009 „R+D system management at scientific institutions” Faculty of Philosophy The Catholic University of Lublin and The Lublin Business School.
No. authors title periodic- Stasiak M., Molenda M., Gancarz M., Wiącek J., Parafiniuk P., Lisowski A.: Characterization of shear behaviour in consolidated granular biomass (2018 r.) Powder Technology 2018, Vol. 327, 120-127
- Gancarz M., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Wiącek D., Nawrocka A., Rusinek R.: Electronic nose with polymer-composite sensors for monitoring fungal deterioration of stored rapeseed (2017 r.) International Agrophysics 2017, Vol. 31, 3, 317-325
- Gancarz M., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Wiącek D., Nawrocka A., Tadla M., Rusinek R.: Application of electronic nose with MOS sensors to prediction of rapeseed quality (2017 r.) Measurement 2017, Vol. 103, 227-234
- Miś A., Nawrocka A., Gancarz M., Rusinek R., Niewiadomski Z.: Volume, pressure and viscosity measurements as a useful tool for explanation of baking expansion process (2016 r.) XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biofizycznego. Ryn, 28.06.2016-1.07.2016 r. 2016, 47-47
- Tadla M., Rusinek R., Gancarz M., Nawrocka A., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M.: Agrinose – a device for monitoring of quality of agromaterials (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 200-200
- Gancarz M., Nawrocka A., Rusinek R., Miś A., Niewiadomski Z.: Relationship between cellular structure and blackspot susceptibility of potato tuber parenchyma tissue after long term of storage (2016 r.) XVI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biofizycznego. Ryn, 28.06.2016-1.07.2016 r. 2016, 35-35
- Gancarz M., Nawrocka A., Rusinek R., Tadla M.: Relationship between response of the resistive sensors on the chosen volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their concentration. (2016 r.) ICAFE 2016 : 18th International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering, New York, USA, 06-07.06.2016 r. 2016, Vol 3 (6), 852
- Tadla M., Rusinek R., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Nawrocka A., Gancarz M.: Response Evaluation of Electronic Nose with Polymer-Composite and Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensor towards Microbiological Quality of Rapeseed. (2016 r.) ICABSE 2016 : 18th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering, New York, USA, 06-07.06.2016 r. 2016, Vol 3 (6), 859
- Rusinek R., Gancarz M., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Wiącek D., Nawrocka A.: Electronic Nose for Monitoring Fungal Deterioration of Stored Rapeseed. (2016 r.) ICST 2016 : 18th International Conference on Sensing Technology, New York, USA, 06-07.06.2016 r. 2016, Vol.3 (6), 1590
- Rusinek R., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Gancarz M., Nawrocka A., Wiącek D.: Procedura kalibracji elektronicznego nosa na potrzeby badań jakości materiałów biologicznych. (2016 r.) XXIII Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, 24-25 maja 2016, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą 2016, 20-20
- Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Gancarz M., Rusinek R.: Agregacja białek glutenowych w cieście glutenowym indukowana dodatkiem błonników pokarmowych. (2016 r.) XXIII Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, 24-25 maja 2016, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą 2016, 15-15
- Gancarz M., Nawrocka A., Rusinek R.: Zastosowanie metod stereologicznych do określenia parametrów przestrzennych komórek tkanki roślinnej. (2016 r.) XXIII Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, 24-25 maja 2016, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą 2016, 8-8
- Gancarz M.: Correlation between cell size and blackspot of potato tuber parenchyma tissue after storage (2016 r.) Postharvest Biology and Technology 2016, Vol. 117, 161-167
- Tadla M., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Gancarz M.: Rozwiązanie sprzętowe do realizacji urządzenia ENOS oraz krótkie omówienie architektury oprogramowania. (2015 r.) XXII Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 2-3.06.2015 r. 2015, 32-32
- Rusinek R., Wawrzyniak J., Gawrysiak-Witulska M., Wiącek D., Molenda M., Gancarz M.: Monitorowanie stanu mikrobiologicznego nasion rzepaku za pomocą elektronicznego nosa. (2015 r.) XXII Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 2-3.06.2015 r. 2015, 27-27
- Gancarz M.: Badanie wpływu zewnętrznych oddziaływań mechanicznych na strukturę komórkową tkanki rdzenia zewnętrznego bulwy ziemniaka. (2015 r.) XXII Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 2-3.06.2015 r. 2015, 12-12
- Gancarz M., Konstankiewicz K., Zgórska K.: Cell orientation in potato tuber parenchyma tissue (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 1, 15-22
- Gancarz M., Devaux M., Konstankiewicz K.: The research of external mechanical interaction influence on cellular structure of potato tuber tissue (2013 r.) 10th International Conference on Agrophysics, Lublin 5-7.06.2013 r. 2013, 43-43
- Gancarz M., Konstankiewicz K.: Microscopic and macroscopic observations of potato tubers tissue cellular structure in the place of blackspot appear (2013 r.) 10th International Conference on Agrophysics, Lublin 5-7.06.2013 r. 2013, 44-44
- Gancarz M., Devaux M., Konstankiewicz K.: The influence of external mechanical interactionmon cellular structure of potato tuber tissue (2013 r.) 10th International Conference on Agrophysics, Lublin 5-7.06.2013 r. 2013, 43-43