Fundusze Unijne
Publications for period 2007

Conference proceedings

No. authors title periodic
  1. Hrebelna N., Szatanik-Kloc A.:  Lead and cadmium content in soil and dandelion plants. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  2. Konsky R., Zdunek A., Cybulska J., Konstankiewicz K.:  Visual texture analysis for quantification of plant tissue cellular structure. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  3. Korus M., Sławiński C., Witkowska-Walczak B.:  Pedotransfer function for organic soils of Polesie region. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  4. Kosynets O., Nosalewicz A., Bowanko G., Szatanik-Kloc A.:  The effect of soil properties on toxicity of lead and cadmium accumulated in soil. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  5. Pits N., Skiba K., Tys J.:  Impact of drying temperature on the content of benso(a)pyrens in rapeseeds. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  6. Ryżak M.:  Effect of ultrasonic time action on soil ample dispersion. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  7. Siczek A., Lipiec J.:  Vertical distribution of soybean roots in relation to soil compaction and mulching. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  8. Sykut J., Molenda M., Ooi J., Favier J.:  Significance of particle elongation in a particulate assembly under uniaxial compression - discrete element modeling. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  9. Szarlip P., Włodarczyk T., Kotowska U., Brzezińska M.:  Microbiological activity of post-bog soil filters during wastewater treatment. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  10. Warchulska P., Sokołowska Z., Józefaciuk G.:  Influence of phosphates on potentiometric curves of soil organic matter - methodogical aspekt. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  11. Wilczek A., Cieśla J., Skierucha W.:  Quantitative and qualitative determination of soil salinity. (2007 r.) 6th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2007, Lublin, Polska, 17-19.05.2007 r. 2007,
  12. Włodarczyk T.:  Some aspects of denitrification process in soils of Poland. (2007 r.) COST Action 856 - Ecological Aspects of Denitrification, with emphasis on Agriculture, Denitrification: its role in bioremediation, 12th Scientific Meeting, Zakopane, 20-22.05.2007 r. 2007,
  13. Nosalewicz M., Włodarczyk T.:  The effect of irrigation on N2O production in organic soil. (2007 r.) COST Action 856 - Ecological Aspects of Denitrification, with emphasis on Agriculture, Denitrification: its role in bioremediation, 12th Scientific Meeting, Zakopane, 20-22.05.2007 r. 2007,
  14. Szwonek E., Włodarczyk T., Borkowska A.:  Variability within denitrification capacity of intensively cultivated arable land. (2007 r.) COST Action 856 - Ecological Aspects of Denitrification, with emphasis on Agriculture, Denitrification: its role in bioremediation, 12th Scientific Meeting, Zakopane, 20-22.05.2007 r. 2007,
  15. Szwonek E., Gwozdecki J., Włodarczyk T., Borkowska A., Kotowska U.:  Does goat\'s rue (Galega officinalis) interfere denitrification in the soil. (2007 r.) COST Action 856 - Denitrification - Basic Research and its Application in Wetlands, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-11.09.2007 r. 2007,
  16. Bednarek A., Ubraniak M., Zalewski M., Włodarczyk T., Szarlip P.:  Application of \"denitrification wall\" for preventing of ground water pollution in rural area. (2007 r.) COST Action 856 - Denitrification - Basic Research and its Application in Wetlands, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-11.09.2007 r. 2007,
  17. Pecen J., Szwed G., Nasef D., Grundas S.:  The differents in impact records on varieties of barley kernel. (2007 r.) 3rd Interantional Conference TAE 2007 \"Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2007\", Prague, Czech Republic, 12-14.09.2007, 355-359 
  18. Rodzik J., Janicki G., Rejman J.:  Human induced conditions of sedyment transport during heavy rainfall in catchments of first-order of the Lublin upland (Poland). (2007 r.) International Conference \"Off-Site Impacts of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport\", Prague, Czech Republic, 01-03.10.2007, 39-43 
  19. Kossowski J.:  Verification of soil heat flux data obtained by use of flux-plates. (2007 r.) 15th International Poster Day "Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the System Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere", Bratislava, Slovakia, 15.11.2007 r. 2007, 272-275
  20. Szwonek E., Włodarczyk T., Nosalewicz M., Wyczółkowski A., Borkowska A.:  Ability of an orchard soil to denitrification. (2007 r.) COST Action 856 - Denitrification and related aspects, 14th and final meeting of the ESF COST Action 856, Uppsala, Sweden, 5-8.12.2007 r. 2007,