C. Ascaso
Informacje o zatrudnieniu
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, MNCN-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Lp. autorzy tytuł czasopismo- Wierzchoś J., Davila A., Sanchez-Almazo I., Hajnos M., Świeboda R., Ascaso C.: Novel water source for endolithic life in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert. (2012 r.) Biogeosciences 2012, Vol. 9, 2275-2286
- Wierzchoś J., Davila A., Sanchez-Almazo I., De_los_Rios A., Valea S., McKay C., Ascaso C., Hajnos M.: Microscopic saline ponds are oasis for photosynthetic life in the driest place on the Earth: implications for putative Martian biosphere (2011 r.) European Geosciences Union General Assembly, (EGU) 2011, Wiedeń, Austria, 3-8.04.2011 r. 2011,
- Wierzchoś J., Davila A., Sanchez-Almazo I., De_los_Rios A., Hajnos M., Świeboda R., Ascaso C.: Application of low temperature and environmental scanning electron microscopy for the study of NaCl deliquescence. (2008 r.) International Symposium "Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage, Research and Practice", Lisbon, 6-7.05.2008 2008,