WP12: Rules of participation in European research programmes - increasing active participation in ERA
- improvement of knowledge on European FP participation rules,
- distribution of the knowledge on current calls of European FP,
- improvement of proposals prepared by Centre employees and collaborators,
- encouragement for preparation more proposals to European FP,
- training and information distribution to eastern partners of the Centre.
Deliverables and milestones for the package:
- two proposals to F6P prepared together with partners of the Centre,
- improving quality of proposals and in result success rate,
- better understanding of European research programmes by the whole staff of the Centre,
- creation of data base on topics of research interest of each partner of the Centre.
General activities:
- seminars in order to improve number and quality of proposals form the Centre,
- lectures on specific aspects of European research programmes,
- trainings of the Centre staff to increase skills in writing proposals.
Examples of activity realized within the WP12:
- distribution of information packages about current opportunities in the FP6,
- training on formal rules and demands of proper proposals to FP6,
- organizating meetings with National Contact Points experts within various priorities,
- current consultation for the staff of various aspects of FP6 participation,
- participation in tuitions for trainees and brokerage events.