Physics, chemistry and biogeochemistry in soil and plant studies Multi authors work Lublin 2004 Edited by: Grzegorz Józefaciuk |
Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent Multi authors work Lublin – Sofia 2005 Edited by: Tosho Raytchev, Grzegorz Józefaciuk, Zofia Sokołowska, Mieczysław Hajnos |
Monitoring and modelling the properties of soil as porous medium Multi authors work Lublin 2005 Edited by: Wojciech Skierucha, Ryszard Walczak |
Monitoring systems for verification of mass and energy transport models in porous media Monograph Lublin 2004 Wojciech Skierucha, Ryszard T. Walczak, Andrzej Wilczek |
TDR method for the measurement of water content and salinity of porous media Monograph Lublin 2004 Wojciech Skierucha, Marek A. Malicki |
Spatial and temporal variation of selected physical and chemical properties of soil Monograph Lublin 2004 Bogusław Usowicz, Jerzy B. Usowicz |
Determination of water potential-moisture characteristics of soil porous media Monograph Lublin 2004 Barbara Witkowska-Walczak, Ryszard Walczak, Cezary Sławiński |
Micro-structure analysis of plant tissues Monograph Lublin 2005 Edited by: Krystyna Konstankiewicz, Artur Zdunek |
Nitrogen transformations and redox potential changes in irrigated organic soil Monograph Lublin 2005 Teresa Włodarczyk, Urszula Kotowska |
Agrophysical properties of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Monograph Lublin 2005 Bogusław Szot, Andrzej Stępniewski, Tadeusz Rudko |
Oxygenology in outline Monograph Lublin 2005 Witold Stępniewski, Zofia Stępniewska, Riccardo Paolo Bennicelli, Jan Gliński |
Mechanical properties of granular agro-materials and food powders for industrial practice. Part I. Characterization of mechanical properties of particulate solids for storage and handling Monograph Lublin 2005 Marek Molenda, Józef Horabik Edited by: Józef Horabik, Janusz Laskowski |
Mechanical properties of granular agro-materials and food powders for industrial practice. Part II. Material properties for grinding and agglomeration Monograph Lublin 2005 Janusz Laskowski, Grzegorz Łysiak, Stanisław Skonecki Edited by: Józef Horabik, Janusz Laskowski |
Sweet corn harvest and technology physical properties and quality Monograph Lublin 2006 Mariusz Szymanek, Bohdan Dobrzański jr., Ignacy Niedziółka, Rafał Rybczyński |
Handling of apple transport techniques and efficiency vibration, damage and bruising texture, firmness and quality Monograph Lublin 2006 Bohdan Dobrzański jr., Jacek Rabcewicz, Rafał Rybczyński |