Fundusze Unijne
WP3: Soil-plant-atmosphere aeration problems
WP3: Soil-plant-atmosphere aeration problems

Person responsible in the Centre: Prof. Dr. Jan Gliński

  • measurements of macro- and microdiffusions of oxygen in soil profiles,
  • investigation of influence of moisture tension and redox conditions in soils on gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) emission to atmosphere, especially in wetlands regions,
  • establishing consequences of soil anoxia conditions on plants.

Collecting of gas samples for analysis

Battery of rhizotrons
Deliverables and milestones for the package:
  • extension of knowledge on the role of oxygen in soil processes and their effects for environment,
  • international co-operation and formation of networks on oxygenology as a new discipline in science,
  • presentation of measurement techniques on aeration in soils and rhizosphere with a special attention to their redox resistance and gases emission.

General activities:
  • summer schools and workshops for post-graduate students and young scientific workers on the measurement techniques on aeration and rhizosphere in soils with a special attention to their redox resistance and gases emission,
  • missions in Poland and abroad on oxygenology and especially on soil aeration as one of the important problem in evaluation of soil processes and prediction biomass productions and gases formation and emission,
  • joint scientific publications and elaboration of training manual on methods of measurement and interpretation of results on soil aeration.
Examples of activity realized within the WP3:
  • presenting the role of redox processes in nutrient transformation and estimation of greenhouse gases emission from soils at different moisture and nutrient composition,
  • elaboration of Atlas of soil resistance to redox conditions for Polish soils,
  • use of soils and rock materials as a sink of greenhouse gases.